Pen Pineapple Apple Pen: The Lost Footage

It was a long while ago, I barely remember it, back in 2005 when I was an intern in Nickelodeon they pulled up a small project they had backed up, called: Memorandum Editorials. Now, an Allah-fearing individual such as myself, I did not know Latin, so I had no idea what it could've meant, or what trouble I was about to face...
As they put the floppy disk in the Albentium 1 running on BuNKR Software, the scenes started to play out. By the might of Allah and his prophet Muhammed (pbuh), it was boring. Just some reels of Oh Yeah! Cartoons. But amongst them there was also a weird scene. At random times it would pop out, a man of Asian descent, I can't tell where exactly he came from but they all speak Chinese anyways so who cares? Anyways, that man, a hulking beast of a man that is, started singing, PEE PEE AYYY PEE, back then I had no idea what it meant, after months of research I realised that it meant, Power Party Argentina Parliament. This was a political subversion video so that everyone in Argentina would vote the Anarcho-Capitalist Power Party and spread forth the alt-right revolution. I had to find out the source material, and why they would spread that message in the UCA (United Caliphate of America). After years and years of digging, and after that racist Drumpf's election victory, it was uploaded, the video became viral overnight, people were mentioning it left and right, but people didn't always have a great opinion on it. There were comments from people that they felt as if they had received a prostate exam, without actually having their prostates checked and insurance not covering it. I looked at the video plenty of times myself, until I saw it 666 times. I noticed something was wrong the man started singing in some pretty weird lyrics:
I have an apple
I have a pen
Apple DEATH!
I have a pen
I have pineapple
I didn't really pay attention, I just thought it was a Matrix glitch, so I kept playing the video, it was then when I noticed that the man in the video became hyper-realistic, to the point that I could touch him, but it turns out it was just the 4k setting on the video. The sound started getting distorted though, and the lyrics changed dramatically:
I have a knife
I have your head
Apple DEATH!
I have a curse
I have an overused cliche that needs to stop being written
It's been 25 years since 2016 and I've remained a virgin ever since, we could've stopped the Alt-Right, but you HAD to click on that stupid video. It's your fault Drumpf won.